Native American Shaman Drums for Sale

Welcome to Tachini Drums! We are pleased to skillfully build an authentic Native American Shaman Drum for you. Our Native American shaman drums for sale are high-quality hand drums, handcrafted for a deep, resonant sound.

Each is crafted with respect and reverence for the material origins. Our shaman drums are crafted on a round wooden frame with an elk, buffalo, moose, or horse hide head (selected when ordering). Drumheads are chosen selectively to ensure deep, resonant sounds. The head is laced to the frame using a symbolic pattern representing the sacred four directions and the circle of life.

Our Native American shaman drums for sale are crafted to withstand the rigors of ceremony, extended sound therapy, or drum circles, holding up well in the heat of a hot summer day or throughout a humid night. Our Shaman Drums can also serve as the canvas for you symbolic representation. Shaman Drums can be played with a beater or with the hand. Let us create your sacred connection to heartbeat of Mother Earth.

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